Matters can be imported to Matter365 by filling in the sample
Excel file with Matter information.
Some of the details that will be required for creating new Matters
are client name, Matter type and Matter source. Make sure to already have that
data available in Matter365 before beginning with Matters migration.
To read more about importing contacts to Matter365, click
To read more about managing Matter types and creating new
ones, click
To read more about managing Matter sources and creating new
ones, click

To read more about managing Matter Custom Fields and creating new ones, click
On Matters page, select Import Matters.
import Matters from Matters pageA dialog will show, and in it you can download an example
file prepared for you.
Import Matters dialogIn order to avoid errors while populating Matter info, in
this file you already have the most of the required data available in dropdown menus.

When doing a mass import of matters it is best to use only unique Matter Names, if you have multiple Matter Names with the same values it can cause issues.
Matter Type (required field) – Dropdown list of all
available Matter types that you have created in Matter365.
Matter Source (required field) – Dropdown list of all
available Matter sources that you have created in Matter365.
Client (required field) – Dropdown list of all available contacts
that you have created in Matter365.
Responsible Attorney (required field) – Dropdown list of all accounts with a Matter365 license in your organization. If this is left empty, the account of a person importing this file will be added as Responsible Attoreny, Owner and Member of the matter.
Owners (optional field) – Dropdown list of all accounts with
a Matter365 license in your organization. If this is left empty, the account of
a person importing this file is appointed a Matter owner. It is possible to have
multiple owners on a Matter.
Members (optional field) – Dropdown list of all accounts
with a Matter365 license in your organization. It is possible to have multiple members
working on the same Matter.
Description (optional field) – Can’t be longer than 10.000
characters. You can use this field to add any legacy information about a Matter
you’re migrating over to Matter365.
You can add more Custom Fields, learn more about Custom fields here.
After downloading and opening the import example file in Excel, click on Enable Editing button, so you could make changes to this file.
Matter import file exampleAfter filling in the Matter info, your file will look something like this (probably with more Matters than in this example):
If you have a lot of Matters to import, a good practice is to split that data into separate import files not bigger than 200 Matters per file.
Filled in example file
Browse for this file in Matter Import dialog and click Import:
Import Matters dialogWhile Matters are being imported, you can use the rest of the application. Progress bar will be displayed in top right corner of the page.