Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom Fields

You can create Custom fields for your Matters.
Custom Fields allow you to gather and store additional information about your Matters in predetermined categories.  All the Matters are searchable by Custom fields values in the Matter Tab, and you can easily view the Custom Fields on the Matter Dashboard. 

Creating Custom Fields

To create Custom fields that can be used for all your Matters, go to Home > Settings > Matter Custom Fields and click "Add new Matter Custom Field" button. 

When you click "Add new Matter Custom Field" you will get a pop-up window to name your new Custom field. Once you've input the name click "Save"

The new field will show up in the Matter Custom Fields list. 
Once you create Custom fields in Matter365 you can use them while importing new matters from an Excel file.

To edit the Custom fields go to Home > Settings > Matter Custom Fields. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the page, for the Custom field you wish to edit. 

Using Custom Fields

Custom fields will be included in the Create new Matter window, but aren't required to open a Matter:

You can see information in Custom fields on the Matter dashboard page. Click Show all Matter Details in the Matter Details tile and the information will be visible on the right-hand side:

To edit information in Custom fields for a Matter go to Matter > Settings and click Edit on the Matter tile:

Input the new information to Custom fields in the Edit Matter general info window and click "Save":

If you wish to delete a Custom field, use the trash can icon. You will get a pop-up confirmation window when you click on the trash can icon:

It will ask you to retype the name of the custom field to permanently delete it. 
Please note, if you delete a Custom field you will lose all information that was inputted in the Custom field for all Matters. There is no option to recover that information. 

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