Legal Matter Management Dashboard | Matter365


Dashboard is a home page for Matter365 users.
Matter365 Dashboard

Matter365 logo in top left corner is a shortcut that will bring you back to Dashboard, regardless of the page of the application you are currently at.
On left hand side there is a menu with the most important features of the application you will use on a daily basis. Items of that menu include:

In top right corner, there are a few shortcuts:
  • Time tracking timer – Quick way of starting a timer for a new activity
  • Stopwatch icon – show/hide time tracking timer
  • Magnifying glass icon – Quick search (it will look into Matters, Contacts and Documents)
  • Plus icon – Quick create (with shortcuts to create new Matter, new Time Tracking activity, new Expense or new Invoice)
  • Gear icon – Matter365 application settings
  • Bell Icon – Matter365 notifications
  • User Icon – Indication of which user is currently signed in and a sign out button
Tiles on the Dashboard represent different types of data a lawyer would usually be interested in, like:
  • Recent Matters - Five most recently created Matters (clicking on any of them will take you to that Matter’s dashboard)
  • Task Status - Summary of all tasks assigned to you, across all Matters you are a member of
  • Important Links - Shortcuts to Office 365 application you will use regularly, together with Matter365 Conflict check shortcut
  • Time Summary - Stats for the time you docketed today, this week, this month, and this year
  • Upcoming Events - Upcoming events pulled from your Office 365 Calendar, with links to events. 
In the bottom right corner of the page, there is a Support widget that you can use to contact support, start a live chat with support, report a bug or send us your feedback and suggestions.
It’s also possible to access knowledge base articles through this widget.

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