May 2020 Update

May 2020 Update


  1. Solved the problem of multiple users from the same company needing QuickBooks access.
In Matter365 settings -> Permissions you will find 2 separate roles:
Permissions page can be opened only by users with "Permission Manager" role assigned.
QBO Admin – this will be the person in your company that has QBO credentials and that initially has to log in to your QuickBooks account and connect it to Matter365. After this happens, QBO admin will have access to all QuickBooks related pages and data. It won’t be needed that anyone else logs in to QuickBooks in order to use the integration with Matter365. All users using the QBO integration will be doing it through the account admin used to connect.
QBO User – Once the QBO Admin connects the company to Matter365, users with this role will be able to access all QuickBooks related pages and data.
QuickBooks related roles
  1. 2-way sync for invoices between Matter365 and QuickBooks
In this version, supported invoice properties that will be synced are unpaid amount, invoice status and payment date only. This will allow you to receive payments outside of Matter365 and still have the correct invoice data in Matter365.
Sync of invoices happens once every 5 minutes.
  1. Option to set up only operating account for recording invoice payments
Before this version, if trust accounting wasn't configured, there was no option to select the operating account that will be increased whenever a payment of an invoice is recorded. In case you have multiple operating accounts in your chart of accounts, this might be problematic. You can now set up operating account separately, and you can do it from the Invoicing page or from Settings -> QuickBooks Integration -> Choose Operating Account
Choosing Operating Account

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