Confido Legal and QuickBooks Integration

Confido Legal and QuickBooks Integration

Confido Legal and QuickBooks Integration

You can integrate your Confido Legal and QuickBooks and use that integration in Matter365. 
This article covers the Confido Legal QuickBooks integration, including how to set up the integration, accept payments on QuickBooks invoices, and account for transactions. 
There is no need to set up anything in Matter365, everything you set up in Confido Legal and QuickBooks will reflect to Matter365.

Integration Setup

1. In Confido Legal, navigate to Settings > Integrations. Select + New Integration and select QuickBooks. 

2. If you are not already logged into your QuickBooks account, you will be prompted to log in. Once logged in, Confido Legal will automatically initiate the integration.
Note: You must be the administrator of your QuickBooks account in order to authorize the integration. 

Account Mapping

Account mapping records payments made in Confido Legal in QuickBooks. 

1. In Settings > Integrations, click View/Edit on the QuickBooks integration to access the integration settings.

2. Turn account mapping on.

3. For each linked trust deposit bank account in Confido Legal, select a corresponding QuickBooks bank and liability account where those payments will be recorded as deposits in QuickBooks.

4. For each linked operating deposit bank account in Confido Legal, select a corresponding QuickBooks account where those payments will be recorded as payments in QuickBooks.

5. If surcharging is enabled, you will have the option to select an account in QuickBooks where all collected surcharge fees will be recorded.  
Note that all fields are optional, and if no account is selected, the payment will not be recorded in QuickBooks.
For example, if you would only like payments made into the trust account to be recorded in QuickBooks, then leave the QuickBooks accounts empty under the operating deposit bank account. 

Standing Links: Payments made on Confido Legal Standing Links are not associated with a Client in the Client database by default. As a result, payments made on Standing Links will still be entered in QuickBooks but under the customer name Confido Legal - Unknown. Standing Link transactions can be associated with a Client in the database in Confido Legal after the transaction has been processed. At this time, the transaction will be associated with that QuickBooks customer in the database.


If invoicing is enabled, every time an invoice is created in QuickBooks, a corresponding Confido Legal payment link is created and added to the Memo field on the invoice. 

1. In Settings > Integrations, click View/Edit on the QuickBooks integration to access the integration settings.

2. Enabled invoicing.

3. Select which linked deposit bank account in Confido Legal will receive payments made on QuickBooks invoices. For most firms, this will be the operating account. 

Note: To print the Memo field to the email that goes out with the QuickBooks invoice, in QuickBooks navigate to Settings - Custom form styles and select your invoice template style. Next click on Emails and choose Full details under the header, How your invoice appears in emails.

For the best invoice presentation, navigate in QuickBooks to Settings > Account and settings > Sales. Scroll to Online Delivery and select Show full details in email. Set the Additional email options to Online Invoice.  

4. Enter a custom message that informs the client to click the link to pay.

5. All payments made on links added to QuickBooks invoices will be applied to their corresponding invoice in QuickBooks.
Note: payments made on these links will NOT use the account mapping rules mentioned above, but will assume the deposit account rules setup in QuickBooks associated with the lines items on the invoice. 


Currently refunds and ACH returns are not supported through the QuickBooks integration. If you run a void or refund or receive an ACH return, you must record the associated debit in QuickBooks manually. 

If you have any additional questions or need more help please contact Confindo Legal support:

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